Shadow Dancing

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year and I took a long bike ride. The light was fantastic! All day it seemed around 3 pm and it was a warm 64 degrees with bright sunlight not at all winter-like. Made me break out into a happy shadow dance!



What an interesting day it was with the unusual lighting.


There was more shadow play during the ride. The texture of the mud at low tide is wonderful and varied.


Near the 19 hole golf course, the frogs are making a comeback. We’ve had tons of rain that washed the drought away. The grass is sparkling.


There was no water here just months ago. On the other side of this fenced-in area, there’s a park. This area fills up with rainwater only and there will be a lot more water soon.


This is an area across from the bay that fills with rainwater and city run-off. I love to sit on this bench and listen to the frogs that mysteriously appear along with the return of the water. They give a good concert I like them. Notice my bike shadow. Nice!


San Francisco is my riding buddy as I zoom along the Bay Trail.


The sun shines on my path in the distance.


Looking South towards the San Mateo Bridge, Highway 92. I ride under and past that bridge on a normal ride.


This is low tide with San Francisco in view. San Francisco is down the peninsula from San Mateo, not across the bay as these photos might suggest. These major areas are points that were picked because they stick out along the coastline.


The city in the distance, surrounded by mud and water. The colors of blue, brown and sometimes green are amazing. The water is the color of the sky, reflections in the calm water, and deep winter shadows make for great sights! When the tide comes in this will all be covered with water again.


I’ll be biking again tomorrow unless it’s pouring rain. I’m excited to be nearing a year riding my vintage bicycle on the Bay Trail. I started in 2016 around February 20th riding my bike after starting my diet. When I found it enjoyable and making me lose weight faster I decided to try and ride every other day.

Riding every other day has so many advantages over planning 3 workouts a week or such. A day to rest and get things done and a workout day that changes each week. If something comes up skip it and go the next day, this keeps you regular so you don’t quit. Your body will shape up faster and regular workouts will make your body healthy giving you surprising energy reserves.

Today I’m proud to say I’ve fulfilled that schedule only missing occasionally due to illness, injury or terrible weather to start again. It’s not as hard as it seems but you must keep your motivation going when it’s low and it will be at times. I keep my eye on the prize (my figure and health) and work through it. Can’t wait to celebrate a year soon.

Do it, be it and enjoy it!

Author: Bekkie Sanchez

I was brought into this world wanting to describe it and poetry chose me. I live to create, read and ride my bicycle. Music keeps me grounded. If you like my work it makes it all worthwhile.

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