Hardest Thing I Ever Did/Dual Knee Replacement

My date for surgery was August 26th. I was at my doctor’s (orthopedic) at Standford on May 10th. I was hoping for another cortisone shot to the ligaments in my legs and more physical therapy but I was sorely mistaken. I was limping yet again because my left knee had moved inside and was causing me a lot of pain when I used it.

Dr. A (everyone calls him that because no one can pronounce his name) wasn’t having it, “It’s time we replace those troublesome knees. Let’s set a date for the surgery.”

What could I say? I had one terribly bent knee that caved in because of the pressure of supporting the other damaged knee. It made me walk funny, limp, and people always noticed it when they saw me. It was very painful and had gone on for decades now causing problems with my hips and other leg structures. I sighed a big sigh.

“When I do surgery I can straighten your legs and you’ll be better than ever,” Dr. A offered with a smile.

So the day before my 65th birthday I said yes to having both knees replaced at once. Dr. A felt that I was in great shape for my age and would do well after surgery. So did I but I was hesitant.

The week before surgery I got a call from Dr. A’s assistant. He said if I came in for a special scan that they could use robotics during my surgery. I felt lucky to be picked because it would help correct my windswept knees.

The scan was nothing special they taped a bar to each leg and scanned them. The bar was part of the reference that the robot would use. It was really space-age cool stuff. Of course, I would be asleep and that was fine with me.


Happy rides! Because of my dual knee replacement, I’ll be taking a 4-6 week break planning to be back at it real soon.

Tick tock….time flew by and one night I got the call to be at Standford Hospital for check-in at 6am with surgery at 8:15am. It was….

~Go Time~

Everything went smoothly I was in a daze and after drugs, I barely remember anything before surgery. I was under for 3 hours, (it took a little longer with the robotics) and then I woke up to a world of WTF!


I had nerve blocks in each thigh and pressure cuffs on my lower legs for clotting. Those are pressure bandages too. I was glad for the nerve blocks when they were working.


When they removed the pressure bandage this was what I saw. Later they got me up with a walker and make me take a few steps. I barely remember it now. Those bandages are waterproof and protect the stitches keeping them dry and together while they heal.


With all of the drugs, I was trying to keep it together but little did I know…..

One of the nerve block boxes wouldn’t stay together (I had one in each leg) and would stop working putting me in great pain. They wouldn’t give me a new one so I had to put up with it. They even had a technician look at it. He put the battery door back on it and deemed that it would now stay put and work. It did not and when I pushed the bottom nothing happened. Each time a hapless nurse would fumble with it so I could finally get some rest.

They were very stingy with the pain meds and kept me in more pain than I should have had to put up with. When I asked for pain meds they acted controlling and secretive. I didn’t get a lot of information out of them until I pushed the subject.

I was very unhappy with the Standford Hospital and felt treated like a second-hand patient. For being a top-rated hospital they seriously treated me badly and there was a lot of broken equipment. I got no shots in the belly for clots nor did I get the plastic thing to blow in to make sure your lungs are ok after being under. Pretty shocking looking at my age and considering its standard operation after major surgery.

They left my catheter in for 2 days (until I left the hospital) and stopped giving me IV fluids for a whole day knowing I was anemic from losing so much blood during surgery. Hospitals aren’t supposed to release someone who’s been under until they are using the toilet but they pulled the catheter and sent me off in the medical transport.  This messed my kidneys up sending my potassium levels sky-high.


Now that I’m older I’m very hard to IV as you can see. I’m glad I was out when this happened. You should see the other hand….

By the time I got to El Camino Rehab Hospital in Los Gatos, they had to IV me again and give me liquids to save my life. The high potassium levels were damaging my kidneys and they were afraid I’d have a heart attack. Luckily, they got another IV in without harming me because they got their best person from the hospital to do it. I still cried because my veins hurt badly in my arms.

The potassium levels went back to normal and I was relieved. I lost blood during surgery and the hospital should have never stopped giving me IV fluids. I was thankful but my kidneys were recovering slowly. They told me I lost a lot of blood during surgery.

Lucky I’m recovering (per the strength of my own body reserves.) My doctor is monitoring me as I speak to make sure I get back to normal body functions.


Every dark cloud has its silver lining and this was mine. Little things keep one going when recovering from surgery or an illness.

The rehab hospital I was in was excellent! We got 2 hours of Physical Therapy and 2 hours of Occupational Therapy every day except for Sunday.  They worked us hard and helped me reach my true potential. They joked that PT really stood for Pain and Torture. I had to agree (in a good way.) The therapists and nurses really did a good job of preparing us to do our best when we get home.

Every time it was something different with a few group therapy classes thrown in. It was fun sharing exercises (and war stories) with other people who have similar goals. They let me ride the stationary bike 15 minutes at a time a few times.

I will say it now. This surgery is the hardest thing I ever did.

The support staff there were polite and helpful and the nurse’s helpers would braid my long hair. I don’t know how to do my own hair so I really appreciated little things like that. It wasn’t for fashion I needed to keep my hair out of the way in PT.

Almost everyone working at the El Camino Rehab Hospital in Los Gatos, CA were first-rate. It was the best experience I’ve ever had with a hospital. Refreshing after what I went through with Stanford after surgery. I plan to write El Camino Rehab a great review on their website after a few months of recovery.


Soon my waterproof bandages were wrinkled and peeling off from exercising and showering. I was finally home it was a little shocking at first.


I took to my apartment building sidewalk with my walker enjoying the flowers. My neighbors looked at me like I was crazy since they had no idea about my surgery. 

After 9 days at the rehab hospital, I was sent home with a mess of medicine, instructions, and a walker. Now I could walk around my apartment on my own. I never needed the extra equipment I got for the toilet and shower stool because our apartment is that small. I was so happy to be home with my own bed.

I can ride my bicycle again?!?!

On Sept. 13th I had an appointment with Dr. A’s assistant to have my bandages taken off. At this time I didn’t know what to expect under the bandages I was shaky about it. She was gentle with me.

She covered those stitches about with a light tape that helps the wound stay protected and heal while the stitches melt. She told me I could walk without the walker and use a cane if I wished. She also gave me the ok to ride my bicycle again and drive. She told me to be careful but if I felt strong enough I could do it.

She told me at 4 weeks I was performing at a 6 or more week level. All along, my team of health care people involved in my dual knee replacement knew the plan was to get me back on my bicycle ASAP. My job was to push myself and heal. They were very happy with my performance.

Before I left she showed me pictures of the robot working on my knees with Dr. A and the other doctors. I could see what the robot saw on the screen. I only saw 2 pictures but they were amazing.


The scar on the right is shaped like that because I had an old surgery scar there and Dr. A used the same scar so I wouldn’t have 2 scars. They are pretty much healed.

My new knees work well, my legs are straight and I’m taller. Both legs are the same length (which doesn’t always happen) and I can bend them as much as before. I can do stairs and I’m learning to walk normally. I’m so thankful but have a lot more healing to do. Talk to me after 6 months.

I can’t believe the taller part it’s freaky and I notice it.

I’m taking PT at Standford’s Clinic once a week for a few months using their stationary bikes so I can learn to walk again, get stronger, and get back on my bike confidently. My next post will be about this so check back!

For anyone who’s going to have this surgery, I say do both knees at once. Get it done and you won’t have to do it again. It helps to be in shape. Make sure you have a doctor that you trust that talks to you. Do your homework and go to a good rehab facility. They really help and if you don’t have anyone at home because they can get you ready to go home.

Anything worth doing is worth working for.

I hope I didn’t offend with my surgery photos. Got any advice? Stories about your experience? Questions?

600,000 knee replacements are performed each year in the US.

Lazy, Fat and Crazy Lifestyle Change-Sleep and Exercise

If you’re logging your food, cutting calories and eating healthier congratulations, by summer you’ll be looking and feeling marvelous! Just a few more tweaks and you too will find the Fountain Of Youth that being in good health offers us.

Although they stand on their own, if you missed the first parts of the Lazy, Fat and Crazy Lifestyle Change you’ll want to read these for the full plan as this is the 3rd part.

  1. Lazy, Fat and Crazy Lifestyle Change-Food
  2. Lazy, Fat and Crazy Lifestyle Change-Logging Your Food


Now that we covered food logging and healthy eating it’s time to talk about the most important thing you can do for your health and that’s getting enough sleep. All sleep, however, is not created equally when you have a good nights sleep you can feel it the next day. You have more energy, find yourself in a better mood and perform better but there’s more to sleep than meets the eye (sheets.) By introducing exercise into your routine while practicing good nutrition you’ll sleep like a baby reaping all the benefits of a balanced healthy life. (See graph above.)

What do you like to do for exercise?

Weight loss alone can be done by limiting calories without exercise but there’s a good chance you will gain it back within the first year sometimes gaining back more than you lost. The good news is there are so many ways to exercise these days that you’ll be able to pick something you can manage and if you get bored with it there’s more to try. There really is something for everyone.

I want you to consider bike riding, not just because I love it but because it works for people of all ages. Bike riding daily (outside with 2 wheels not spinning) gives you the benefits of aerobic exercise without weight or strain on the joints. It strengthens your core and gives you nice legs while enjoying nature and getting sunshine. Best of all, it burns crazy calories.

Exercise is your friend and path to good health.

If you haven’t exercised for awhile, any type of physical activity will be new, so it almost doesn’t matter what you do for the first several weeks whatever it is will do wonders on its own. Walk, hike, cycle, row, jog, dance, swim, repeat.

Be patient with yourself, you didn’t gain all that weight in a day. When it gets easy for you then do more. Keep it up!

You will be tired, sore, you will sweat and struggle but stick with it because it will get better. One immediate and positive side effect of exercise is that you’ll start sleeping better after wearing yourself out.

Once you get started your priority should be taking your chosen exercise and establishing it into a routine habit. For that, more frequent workouts and a daily routine are best.

How often should I exercise?

Since 250 minutes per week of exercise is recommended, you might think that you have to work out every day to lose weight. Instead, you can exercise every other day or even every third day and still lose weight effectively.

If you prefer shorter workouts, then daily exercise is probably best for you. If you work out for 20-35 minutes every day, you’ll meet the expert recommendations for weight loss. Exercising every day will also help you to build a regular and healthy habit of physical activity.

Sometimes daily workouts aren’t realistic on your schedule.

If your work week is hectic, you might choose to work out every other day. But if you exercise fewer days during the week, each workout needs to be longer.

For example, if you do one 60-75 minute workout on the weekend and four 35-40 minute workouts during the week, you can skip a few days of exercise and still meet the guidelines for weight loss exercise.

If you have to skip several days during the week, you can still exercise to lose weight, but each session will have to be longer to meet your goal. It’s also hard to build an exercise habit if you don’t exercise very often.

I bike ride every other day. That gives me 4 workouts a week, a day of rest in between each ride and it works out to be a different day of the week each week which gives me variation. If something comes up I skip a workout and just start again on the next day. The important thing is if I have to take off a week or so here and there that it doesn’t stop my routine for good.

A Balancing Act You Can Do

Exercise is part of a balancing act important to our bodies and the way they function. Without it, eating healthy foods and getting quality sleep isn’t possible which is why so many of us fail without it.

Are you an insomniac? Eating poorly yet exercising and still overweight? Depressed? Do you wake up feeling lousy after a good nights sleep? Or maybe you aren’t overweight but don’t have energy?

You need to Eat-Move-Sleep every day.


An example of what it takes to balance our bodies and be truly healthy.

Get moving and improve your sleep!

Want to fall asleep faster and wake up feeling refreshed? As little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, (such as walking or cycling,) can dramatically improve the quality of your nighttime sleep when done on a regular basis. What’s more, exercisers may reduce their risk for developing troublesome sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.

The sleep/exercise connection.

Physical activity improves sleep quality and increases sleep duration. It reduces stress and tires you out. Early morning and afternoon exercise may also help reset the sleep-wake cycle by raising body temperature slightly, then allowing it to drop and trigger sleepiness a few hours later. It can be especially helpful if you are able to exercise outdoors and let your body absorb natural sunlight during the daytime hours.


Tips for a good nights sleep.

  • Get daily exercise. One 10 minute walk a day can improve your sleep.
  • Make a daily bedtime routine brushing your teeth, etc. before bed.
  • Have a bedtime and stick to it even on weekends.
  • Make sure your bedroom is cool, quiet and dark. Blackout curtains can help.
  • Block blue light (with apps, glasses or filters) on your devices 2 hours before bed.
  • Avoid spending time awake or working in bed. The bed is for sleeping and sex.
  • Expose yourself to at least 10 minutes of sunlight in the morning.
  • Ignore stressors before bed save your worries for the daytime. Try deep breathing or meditation to relax.
  • A warm bath, reading a book, or listen to calming nature sounds before bed works wonders.
  • Get a full 7 1/2 to 8 hours sleep or more a night.

De-stressing is the one thing we all need to do these days so I suggest taking a good (solid) hour before laying your head on the pillow to calm down. Push the negative out and bring in the positive, whatever that may be to you. It’s so easy to fall into bed with a head full of the day’s activities only to have it keep you awake.

Good sleep planning sets you up for quality sleep and you once you get it you’ll know it. When I have a solid chunk of Deep Sleep I feel so refreshed and rightly so.

Sleep stages and benefits.

There are 3 kinds of stages our bodies go through during sleep. Light Sleep, Deep Sleep, and REM. Inbetween them we have Wake Cycles, times we wake up at night. Each person’s sleep cycles are unique to the individual but with trackers like Fitbit, it’s easy to see the trends of age groups and study how our stages of sleep affect us.

Each stage does something different while we sleep so if we miss out on a full nights sleep we’re messing with one or more stages of sleep our bodies need. Our bodies detect that and try to make up for it in other, sometimes more unhealthy, ways. This is why not sleeping enough hurts our general health.


Sleep 101 will help you learn more about sleep and how to get a good nights sleep.

Your bed counts, what you put on it and what you wear:

  • Sleep naked. It’s been shown that it helps keep the body temperature even.
  • Buy a new mattress, get a new one every 10 years (think of the dust mites.) There’s something for everyone.
  • Re-evaluate your pillow. There are so many new kinds to choose from.
  • Get good bedding. Whether bamboo or microfiber, there are so many choices! You’ll want something that is soft and breaths.
  • Sleep under a heavy blanket. This is the time to have a favorite blanket on your bed and if it’s heavy it will help you sleep better. The weight of the blanket on your body has something to do with it.
  • Get a body pillow for support. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs keeps your back straight. A body pillow supports your whole body. It promotes great sleep. Get a good one.
  • Cool your body. If you get too warm at night and can’t sleep invest in a cooling pad. People who use them swear by them.

Oversleeping The Effects Health Risks Of Sleeping Too Much

Sleep has superpowers.

There are new studies coming out all of the time about the powers of sleep. It’s been proven that getting enough sleep makes you live longer. People who get enough sleep actually eat 300 fewer calories a day when they were well rested. Sleep brightens your mood for the day. People who get enough sleep don’t get sick as much. Your blood pressure goes down when you sleep giving your heart a break. Sleep helps you make better decisions and boosts your creativity. It also gives you more energy. They are finding out new things about how sleep helps us all of the time.


Balancing Sleep, Exercise and Nutrition is the secrect to good health and long life.

Invest in a tracker to monitor your lifestyle changes they’re fun and simple to use. You buy the tracker, put it on, download the free app on your phone and pair it with Bluetooth. You’re good to go.

I have had a Jawbone UP3 and now have a Fitbit, Charge 2, and am awaiting my new Aura Ring. They measure, sleep, activity, exercise, heart rate and more. At any time I can see my live stats and it gives me something to work towards when I make my steps.


16 country comparison from 2016

  • China leads this trends, standing at 45 percent of its online population.
  • Brazil and the USA come next, but significantly lower, at 29 percent each, closely followed by Germany (28 percent) and France (26 percent).
  • China, Russia, France, Australia and Canada are the only countries surveyed that have more women than men tracking their health or fitness.

health concept - cloud of related words and topics

There are many things to consider when we think about the whole picture of our health and fitness.


Recovery is important when exercising that’s why it’s important not to go overboard. Moderation is the word. Always take off a day of rest after each day of exercise and if you have a fever don’t exercise sick. Always get your doctors ok before starting any exercising program.

I’ll be posting more to the Lazy, Fat and Crazy Lifestyle Change until summer but you have everything you need to follow in my footsteps. If you do, I guarantee you’ll lose weight (inches all over) and make your goal weight in a year keeping it off. Your stomach will be flat, you’ll feel great and depression will be a thing of the past. Eat-Move-Sleep my friends!

More on the Eat-Move-Sleep Movement—-Coming Soon

There have been many new studies about sitting and what it’s really doing to us. Experts are saying that sitting all day is the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes (maybe worse!) Also, I have more to say about our diets. I think we should eat what we want in moderation if we are exercising regularly. I don’t believe in fads, or diets just good food. And of course, I’ll be writing about biking and showing off my photography. Group hug!

Let me hear about how you’re doing! Got any questions or can I help you in any way? I know I’m getting readers but you are very quiet. Lol! I wish you the best this isn’t easy I’ve been there.

Eat-Move-Sleep it’s a good anthem for the Lazy, Fat and Crazy Lifestyle Change!

Lazy, Fat and Crazy Lifestyle Change-Logging Your Food

I could rattle off statistics and facts about why food logging makes losing weight more successful but I’d rather get on with it and have you thank me later. By logging your food you’ll become an expert on what you eat and how nutritious it is becoming more aware of what you put into your body. That’s what this lifestyle change is about.

MyFitnessPal is the most popular calorie counter and for good reason. It’s free and simple to use giving us real insight into our nutrition and calories burned during the day. It works!

What It Can Do For You

  • It tracks your weight and calculates a recommended daily calorie intake. It also contains a well-designed food diary and an exercise log.
  • The homepage provides a clear picture of how many calories you’ve consumed during the day. It also shows how much of your recommended intake remains, as well as how many calories you’ve burned by exercising.
  • If you’re using a fitness tracking device, MyFitnessPal can likely connect and sync with it and then include the data in the exercise log.
  • The app tracks your progress towards your goals and offers chat forums with fellow users. These include conversations, recipes, tips and personal success stories.
  • MyFitnessPal’s nutrition database is huge, containing over five million foods. You can also create custom foods and dishes, or download recipes from the internet.
  • It even saves your favorite meals so you can log those quickly.
  • Additionally, the MyFitnessPal app has a barcode scanner, so you can instantly enter the nutrition information of some packaged foods. (I love this!)
  • Each day is presented as a pie chart, showing your macros (the breakdown of carbs, protein and fat.) You can also write a note for the day, such as how the day went or how you were feeling.

Let’s Begin!

I want you to go get the MyFitnessPal application and put it on your cell phone (so you always have it with you.) Then, under Settings set up your Profile and Goals. Be honest because what you put down will be used to calculate how many calories a day you should eat to get to your goal weight.


Under Settings is where you’ll put your personal info and preferences. Click on Profile to start.

Once your Profile is done, click on My Goals. What you put here will determine how many calories you can eat each day, and how the app will figure out those calories.


These examples are from my account, yours will be different. The lock icons are for the premium (paying) part of the app so ignore them. I use the free version but if you want to have more control over your nutrition, or have a medical condition you might want to try the paid version.

While setting your Goals decide how fast you want to lose weight under Weekly Goal and pick an Activity Level. If you’re just starting to log food it’s a good idea to pick Not Very Active. (I have Lightly Active picked because I’m in maintenance but at first I used Not Very Active.) Ignore the Nutrition Goals you don’t need to change them.


The Home tab of MyFitnessPal.

When you’re finished with your Goals look at the top of the Home tab. Under Goal, it will tell you how many calories a day you need to eat to get to your desired weight. MyFitnessPal will never go below 1,200 calories a day it’s the lowest you can go without a doctor’s orders.

The Home tab will tell you at a glance where you’re at in your day and if you have a tracker or count steps it will show you how many steps.

I’m maintaining my weight now but when I started I was at 1,200 calories a day. It took me about a year to take off almost 60 pounds. The first 30 pounds came off without aerobic exercise (riding my bicycle) but when I started to exercise with my new diet the weight came off faster without having to target any areas of my body.

MyFitnessPal connects to many apps and devices listed under My Apps And Devices. I’ve used it with my Jawbone UP3 and my Fitbit Charge 2 band. If you don’t have a tracker no worries you don’t need one to use MyFitnessPal.

Let’s Log A Food

The first time you log a food either use the barcode reader or look it up using search. The next time it’ll be there for you to pick under one of the convenient tabs or you can Multi-Add your foods.

MyFitnessPal’s nutrition database is huge, containing over five million foods. You can also create custom foods and dishes, or download recipes from the internet. Resturant food and brand names are included.

Let’s log peanut butter. If you know the brand you can add it for a more detailed search result. Look for the one that matches and add it to your Lunch.


Each food has their own category. Here we do a search for peanut butter.

The database is good but pick carefully and pay attention to quantities. If you pick the first entry and only had 1 tbsp. you can change it after logging that food and it will reflect that change in your entries portion and calories. Don’t forget to log your drinks and snacks.

A green check means the food item was checked and is correct. Many foods won’t have one but no worries the majority of the data is correct without the green check. I think it’s the best database I’ve ever used they all have some mistakes and I’ve tried a lot of them in the past.

Logging A Meal

Let’s start with Breakfast it’s the most important meal of the day that sets you up for the whole day. If you eat a healthy breakfast it will give you energy throughout the morning without hunger pains.


I eat oatmeal with fresh blueberries and chia seeds every day for breakfast it sticks with me and gives me plenty of energy towards my morning bike ride.

This is what a logged meal looks like. Tomorrow when I go to log Breakfast again I can load it separately or as a meal depending on my settings. Foods already logged will show up in the Recent, Frequent, etc. tabs for each meal.

Complete Your Diary, Snyc Your Apps And Check Your Progress


After exercise and steps are logged (and synced) they’ll be added to your calories for each day. (Later we’ll talk about using MapMyFitness to log exercise.)

You can manually log any exercise (including steps) with MyFitnessPal each day so it can be added to your daily burn. If you have a tracker connected (under My Apps And Devices) the data will be shared between apps and show up like my data above.

At the end of each day click on Complete Diary to see how you did. It will tell you how much you’d weigh if every day was like today, in 5 weeks time giving you a snapshot of how you’re doing. There’s more!


At any time of the day, you can check your Calories, Nutrients and Macros to make sure you’re on track. Your Macro percentages are already set up for you.

What Are Macros?

Macronutrients or Macros are the building blocks of nutrition. You probably know them better as carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Macros are the nutrients you need in large amounts, as they provide your body with the calories it needs to function.

Carbohydrate + Protein + Fat = Total Calories

Carbohydrate: Provides fuel, the energy for your body and brain. It’s found in all plant foods, like grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, and also milk and yogurt.

Protein: Helps to build and repair your muscles, organs, skin, blood, and different chemicals, like hormones, in your body. It’s found in large amounts in meat, poultry, fish, legumes, dairy, tofu, and eggs, and in smaller amounts in nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

FatInsulates and protects your bones and organs, acts as backup fuel for energy and helps in brain development. Healthy, unsaturated fats are found in olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish, like salmon, sardines, and mackerel. Unhealthy saturated fats are found in high-fat beef, pork, butter, full-fat dairy, and processed foods, like cookies and donuts.

Balancing your Macros is an easy way to watch calories since together they equal your total calories per day. By eating the right percentage of each you’re making better choices with your food. giving your body what it needs each day.

Can I Trust The Calories Listed For Each Food?

Finding out the correct calories in a serving of a food isn’t easy. Do a search and you’ll find a different number of calories for the same food. It makes it hard to count calories and be consistent. This can set you up for failure when losing weight.

Logging food daily with the same database and reusing these foods under your profile ensures that you use the same number of calories for the same foods each time. MyFitnessPal works to be accurate checking its food database for mistakes when possible and removing them. You can trust the numbers and this application to help you lose weight even if the numbers aren’t perfect because of how it works.

Be consistent in your logging, stay within the recommended calories per day, use the same entry for the foods you eat daily and be patient. You will start seeing the weight come off.

MyFitnessPal Worked For Me

I can’t say enough about how much MyFitnessPal helped me lose weight and eat better. I had no idea how many calories to eat, I tried many different apps failing miserably and learning nothing. I was getting heavier and more depressed.

I’ve been using MyFitnessPal for over 2 years now. After the first year, I really didn’t need to log anymore but it was so easy I just kept it up. By doing so, I’ve kept within 4 pounds of my target weight because I see what I’m doing wrong before it gets out of control. It’s a great feeling to have a normal BMI and I work to keep it that way.

When you start using MyFitnessPal daily to log your food you’ll find more to love about it. You’ll be reversing your Real Age and losing weight in no time.

We started out lazy, got fat, and then it drove us crazy but we can regain sanity by logging our meals. I got you!